Harrie Salman

Harrie Salman (1953) is a Dutch philosopher of culture and a sociologist with a deep interest in the history of Europe. Since 1971 his travels have brought him to almost all European countries. He made extensive studies of the cultural and social history of former Yugoslavia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Russia and Bulgaria. He speaks Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Russian and Serbian in addition to seven Western European languages. He holds a doctorate in the philosophy of education from Prague University, Czech Republic. He taught at the University of Leiden and the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, Holland, and as a visiting professor at Prague University (1990-2000). Since 1993 he has been teaching part-time at the University of Professional Education in Leiden. He has given lectures, seminars and workshops world-wide. His current research focuses on spiritual history and on psychological and social conditions for the development of a new spiritual culture.