
How Dreams Happen

by Rufus Goodwin


Where do dreams come from? By what light do we see them? What lights a dream? Dream theorists have been more interested in the content and meaning of dreams or their physiology. They have rarely thought about the light. With subtle intelligence, persistence and wit, Goodwin pursues this question in short, lucid chapters, working through competing theories. He consults those who work in dream laboratories, as well as poets and writers. In the end, he comes to the concept of 'dreamlight' as the bridge between body and mind. This light, he argues, has nothing to do with electrical activity in the brain; rather, it is 'living light' which says much about the nature and possibility of consciousness. This is a book for anyone interested in the nature of consciousness or dreams.

ISBN: 9781584200192
Publisher: Lindisfarne Books
Format: Hardback

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